Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pit bull ruling and real estate. Any connection?

    As most of the country has heard, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals has made a Pit bull ruling. They have ruled that Pit bulls and Pit bull-mixes are inherently dangerous dogs. Not only has this ruling upset Pit bull owners, but the court also decided that liability is automatically heaped upon the landlord of a property that has rented to a owner of a Pit bull/Pit bull-mix, if the landlord knew the dog was of such a breed/mix before hand.

   So how does this relate to property owners and real estate? You tell me. What can you see happening on the heels of this ruling, if it sticks?

  I can see clear and dangerous consequences coming from this ruling that could possibly effect buyers, sellers and real estate agents. Will the courts rule that a home owner has to disclose that there are Pit bulls in their neighborhood? Should a real estate agent know this information? How about Landlord renting to gun owners? Is the landlord responsible if a tenant owns a gun and shoots someone?

   I don't like this ruling and hope that it gets overturned. I think it is very narrow minded and has the potential to other broad sweeping rulings to further hamper our freedoms in this country. Just because you don't own a Pit bull/Pit bull mix, doesn't mean this won't have an impact on your life

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