Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who are you to believe?

   I am sure everyone is hearing the new of the recovering economy, right? I see articles written on a daily basis stating that "Housing prices on the rise!", or "Housing market rebounding!". So where is all the evidence of the improvement in the housing market? Well, here is just one article that actually gives some statistics. There have been some encouraging signs of a potential improvement, but what constitutes a "recovery"? Are increasing prices the only thing that indicate a recovery? Here is a sample of the performance in Baltimore County. The numbers are encouraging, but like the early season success of the Baltimore Orioles, I am optomistically cautious to say that the clouds are lifting and the sun is once again shining on the real estate market in Maryland.

   If you would like complete statistics for all areas of Maryland, visit my website, www.allhomes4me.com, or follow my Facebook page, www.facebook.com/timmontoyarealtor.

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